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  • 中华人民共和国民法典实施:新时代民事权利保障的里程碑








    “法律是管理整个国家的重要工具,法治是国家治理体系和治理能力的重要支持。” “全国人民大会及其常务委员会必须加强关键领域的立法,并扩大人们以有序的方式参与立法的方式。” “我们必须坚持根据法律管理该国,并在该国结合道德治理,对道德在公民行为中的规范作用非常重视。”全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会的指导是习近平对社会主义的思想,具有新时代的中国特征,维护党的领导人的有机统一,人民对自己的事务的掌握和法治,坚持科学的法治立法,民主立法和立法符合法律,并通过五年的艰苦而精心的工作完成了汇编民法的重要立法任务,并为法律保证提供了强大的法律保证人民更好的生活。



    “ 2879票赞成,2票反对5票,5票。” 5月28日,在中国法律北京59号的59号中心街的办公室中,中华人民共和国民法典的高票消息来到了。该协会民法研究协会主席王·利林(Wang Liming)教授开设了书柜,并提出了过去关于新中国民法典的珍贵材料。有一些老年法学家参与立法讨论,许多由中生代时代法律专家撰写的专家提案以及年轻学者关于编译民法典的主题报告…

    回顾2014年10月,中国共产党第18届中央委员会的第四届全体会议决定“编译民法典”,Wang Liming说,仅5个字,这使几代法律专业人士的梦想浓缩了半个多世纪。 1954年,当新中国第一部宪法通过时,党中央委员会指示制定基本法律,例如民法和刑法。从1954年到2001年,我的国家四次启动了《民法典》的制定,但由于当时条件的局限性,此任务尚未完成。



    “在建立一个中等繁荣的社会的重要节点上具有中国特征的系统,并旨在促进综合法治和国家的主要措施,使治理体系和治理能力现代化是维护和改善基本社会主义经济体系的客观要求促进高质量的经济发展是不可避免的,可以改善人民的福利并维护绝大多数人的基本利益。国民大会常务委员会立法事务委员会民事律师事务委员会主任Huang Wei说。

    维护党的领导是编译民法典的基本原则。自2015年推出以来,《民法典》的汇编一直是在党中央委员会的统一领导下进行的。 2016年6月,2018年8月和2019年12月,中央委员会政治局常务委员会的三次会议主持了中央委员会常务委员会的三次会议,原则上倾听并同意了全国人民代表大会常务委员会的党派小组关于民法典的汇编,并就民法典提出了请求和报告。在汇编工作中提出了重要的说明,为民法典的汇编提供了重要的指导和基本指南。


    国民大会的成员兼山东高级人民法院的主席张·贾亚蒂安(Zhang Jiatian)目睹了民法典中民法典中大厅通过的庄严时刻。他深深地说道:“民法典的立法过程是一项科学而民主的社会主义立法,具有中国特征,根据法律生动的立法实践。”

    人格权利的独立性就是一个有力的例子。最初,《民法》草案中没有“人权章节”。但是,法律和法律界的许多人认为,在汇编《民法典》时,应建立独立的个人权利。 “个人权利包括生命权,健康权,声誉权,隐私权等,可以说是最重要的权利。如果自然人不享受性格权,在互联网信息化,侵犯声誉,隐私等的时代,财产的权利就像是一座城堡。呈现与过去完全不同的强度,加强对个人权利的保护已成为国家世界各地。张贾亚蒂安说,人格权利的独立汇编可以提高我们国家的个人权利保护水平,并证明民法典的汇编遵守以人为中心的发展思想,将人类尊严保障并保护人类利益。最高水平的人。


    “从中也可以看出,我国民法典的汇编不是复制德国民法典,法国民法典和日本民法典,而是基于中国的民族条件并提出中国解决方案,对此做出回应时代的需求并解决了时代的问题。”中国人民大学法学院院长Wang Yi说,中国民法典必须从中国的土壤中生长,并反映民族精神,文化传统,生活方式和价值取向。







    2017年10月1日,《民法典》的汇编采取了关键步骤 - 民法的一般原则已正式实施。在制定民法的一般原则时,各方都讨论并积极地向立法器官提出了有关如何对合法人员进行分类以满足国家条件的建议,无论社区委员会和乡村委员会是否可以成为合法人。

    Hong guangping是省利什伊(Lishui)的一名农民。 2014年,他带领村民建立了一个联合库存的经济合作社,这改变了当地梨农民“自己战斗”的长期局势。该村梨行业的密集和专业化得到了极大的改善。尽管生活越来越好,但合作社的发展逐渐遇到了几年前的瓶颈。 “我们股份经济合作社的本质是什么?以什么运营能力?没有明确的声明。” Hong Guangping说,几家公司想投资并参与股票,但他们看到的最后一件事是合作社。他们担心签订的合同没有法律效力,因此他们撤退。民法的一般原则显然授予农村集体经济组织的地位,为农村集体经济组织提供了法律基础,以消除身份的尴尬。既然洪广义已经获得了“农村集体经济组织登记证书”,那么他更有动力去做事情并创办企业。



    在没有民法典的情况下,它还是“消费者要求货物缺陷,要求返回赔偿。”一些法官在判断此案时引用了合同法,有些人引用了侵权责任法,有些人引用了产品质量法,有些人引用了产品质量法,有些人在判断此案时引用了案件。援引《消费者权利保护法》 ...很难从大量单人法律中找到判断的基础,发现的法律规定可能是矛盾的。

    “编译民法典可以为司法机构提供统一和大多数基本的判断规则。与此同时,不再适合实际情况的法规可以修改和改善,并且在经济和社会生活中出现了新的情况和新问题可以制定针对性的新法规。”全国人民代表大会常务委员会立法事务委员会民事律师事务委员会副董事Shi Hong说。







    “《民法典》清楚地规定,民事权利和其他合法权利和民事臣民的利益受到法律的保护,任何组织或个人都不会违反。这突出了民法的权利和法律属性。”北京理工学院法律学院副教授孟·昆格(Meng Qiang)说,民法不允许民法违反民法。词典是充满公民权利的宣言,使得保护民权法律,系统性和科学。






    “这意味着,只要胎儿在送货时还活着,当胎儿在母亲肚皮中的礼物和继承所占的份额是有效的,这为保护的权利和利益提供了法律基础现实中许多死后的孩子。”澳洲航空大学法学院副院长北京航空公司Zhou Youjun说。

    “尽管传统的民法理论认为,自然人拥有权利和能力的能力始于出生和死亡,但现代国家保留胎儿必要的继承份额也是一种一致的实践。”中国人民大学法律学院的教授刘·朱奈(Liu Junhai)说:“这已经创新了自然人。民事学科的传统理论具有时代和人文精神的独特特征。”


    随着信息技术的发展,个人隐私和个人信息保护面临新的挑战。 《民法典》的个人权利部分清楚地指出,没有组织或个人可以通过间谍,入侵,披露,披露等来侵犯他人的隐私权。

    “民法典将“隐私”定义为“自然人的私人生活和私人空间,私人活动和私人信息的宁静”还应确定一个特定的自然人的功能。国民议会议员兼全中国律师协会主席王·朱恩(Wang Junfeng)表示,《民法典》的通过将有助于处理互联网,大数据以及智能发展对隐私和个人个人带来的挑战信息保护。

    如何面对新技术对人身权利的威胁,例如人类基因和人类胚胎等医学和科学研究活动中的基因编辑? 《民法典》的个人权利部分规定,从事与人类基因,人类胚胎等有关的医学和科学研究活动,他们必须遵守法律,行政法规和相关的国家法规,并且不会危害人类健康,违反人类健康道德,不会损害公共利益。这避免了科学伦理的“难以忍受的体重”。




    “把土地留给合作社,我无法完成我村庄的工作,我不再需要出去上班。” Zou Faqiang是一位57岁的村民,位于匈奴省Linwu县的Zoujia村,已经存在了数十年。出乎意料的是,在村庄实施“三右边的分离”土地转移之后,生活变得如此舒适。

    Zoujia村长期以来一直依赖传统农业,例如水稻种植和烟草腌制的烟草。过去,村民早起起床晚了,几乎无法获得足够的食物和衣服,他们的人均净收入只有2,000元。 2011年,在村党分公司秘书Zou Xiaojun的领导下,Zoujia村促进了股权合作经济,以土地权益的形式转移了土地,转移了300公顷山地的合同管理权和22公顷的可耕地降落在村庄的村庄集体,并建立了Zoujia油茶森林。种植专业合作社和Linwushunyi土地专业合作社。

    “村民的收入不仅包括土地有利可图之后的股息,而且还可以从合作社工作中获得收入。” Zou Xiaojun说,通过“三个权利分离”土地转移,土地已被分为集聚,该行业已经分散以收集,并且人民的收入减少了。村庄的集体经济从一无所有变成了什么。经过多年的改革和发展,该村的集体经济现在已超过100万元。

    《民法典》通过的消息传来了,Zou Xiaojun感到兴奋。 “我注意到,《民法典》的“财产权”部分明确指出,土地合同管理权持有人可以独立决定通过租赁,投资或其他符合法律的方式将土地管理权转移给他人。当合同期限到期时,土地合同管理持有人应根据农村土地的土地签约。土地利用并促进了土地的大量使用,但也满足了“三个权利分离”之后的土地管理权,Zou Xiaojun表示,土地是农民最重要的财富。民法典给农民提供了合法的“放心”。


    在保护建筑所有者的权利方面,《民法典》增强了所有者共同管理共同部件的权利,降低了所有者制定决议的门槛,并清楚地表明,由电梯广告和诸如电梯广告和外墙广告属于所有者。据规定,政府部门和邻里委员会应为当选业主委员会的选举提供指导和援助,并促进建立业主委员会难以解决的解决方案。改善使用公共维护资金的投票程序将有助于防止资金“睡觉”。 《民法典》仍在usuructuary权利部分中,特别章节规定了居住权,该章节清楚地表明,居住权有权根据合同享受拥有和使用其他人住所的权利。这不仅满足特定群体的居住需求,而且还有助于为老年人提供住房的法律保护。

    “ 1986年,制定了民法的一般规则。不应低估此问题。它实际上建造了从法律制度到市场经济的桥梁。”全国人民代表大会常务委员会立法事务委员会前副局长郑文尚仍然记得这是通过这一过程。 Grasping the basic principle of civil law, separating economic civil activities, especially the economic exchanges of horizontal entities, from administrative management, forming a separate civil legal relationship, and changing the planning system that takes care of everything.情况。 Today, the Civil Code improves various subject systems and guarantees equal and independent subject status, which is not only a prominent feature of the socialist market economy, but also its efficiency and vitality.

    The reason why the socialist market economy is a rule of law economy is that its market transaction order is standardized and orderly, its emphasis on contract and its advocacy of integrity. At present, my country's social and economic forms have undergone tremendous changes, and people's production and lifestyles are also changing. While the socialist market economic system is becoming increasingly perfect, how can we promote the market trading order to keep pace with the times? How to fully respect and carry forward the spirit of contract and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the broad masses of people in new social practice?

    In order to adapt to the development of e-commerce and digital economy, the Civil Code has improved the rules for signing and performance of electronic contracts, and stipulates that if one party publishes goods or service information through the Internet and other information network meets the conditions for the offer, the other party will choose the goods or service and submit it. The contract is established when the order is successful, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. The Civil Code stipulates the mandatory contractual obligations of electricity, water, gas, heat suppliers and public carriers to the public, improves the standard terms and conditions, and increases the protection of one party to a vulnerable contract...

    Contracts are the basic carriers of civil and commercial activities, and contract law is the basic legal rules of market transactions. There are 1,260 articles in the Civil Code, of which 526 are included in the contract section. Based on the current new changes in social economy and production and life, the Civil Code has improved the basic rules in China's civil and commercial fields, fully mobilized the enthusiasm and creativity of civil subjects, maintained transaction security, maintained market order, and promoted high-quality economic development.

    The core socialist values ​​shape the soul of the Civil Code

    Respond to the problems of "whether to help or not" and "whether to save or not", promote family harmony, and gather strong spiritual strength

    "In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of civil subjects, adjust civil relations, maintain social and economic order, adapt to the development requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and promote the core socialist values, this Law is formulated in accordance with the宪法。” Open the Civil Code, Article 1 In the beginning, "promoting the core socialist values" is clearly regarded as one of the legislative purposes of the Civil Code.

    A great era calls for a great spirit. The core socialist values ​​are a concentrated embodiment of the contemporary Chinese spirit and embodies the common value pursuit of all people. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that cultivating and promoting the core socialist values ​​and effectively integrating social consciousness are important ways for the social system to operate normally and the social order to be effectively maintained, and are also an important aspect of the national governance system and governance capabilities.

    "The Civil Code is an 'encyclopedia of social life'. Integrating the core socialist values ​​into the Civil Code is an inevitable requirement for adhering to the combination of rule of law and governing the country by virtue. Using the rule of law to embody moral concepts and strengthen the role of law in promoting moral construction , will promote the core socialist values ​​to be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." Liu Guixiang, full-time member of the Supreme People's Court's Audit Committee, said.

    "Help others and act bravely" is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. However, in recent years, some cases have highlighted the moral dilemma of "should you help" and "should you be saved". Due to the lack of law, no one cares about being injured after being hurt for justice and even being claimed for compensation often occurs.

    In September 2019, Ms. Sun from Xinyang, Henan Province saw Guo knocking five-year-old boy Luo to the ground while riding a bicycle, and then tried to leave, so she stepped forward to stop it. The two had a verbal dispute, and Guo was very excited, which caused cardiac arrest and died after failed rescue. Guo's spouse and children believed that Ms. Sun was responsible for Guo's death, and sued Ms. Sun and the community property company to court, claiming 400,000 yuan.

    "It's obvious that he is brave enough to make a fortune, why do you still have to pay for it?" For a moment, the public's attention was focused on the Pingqiao District People's Court of Xinyang City, Henan Province, which accepted the case.

    On December 30, 2019, the court publicly ruled the case, believing that according to the General Principles of the Civil Law, Ms. Sun's purpose of preventing Guo from leaving was to protect the interests of children. It is not only not illegal, but also legitimate, and should be affirmed and supported. Ms. Sun was not at fault and should not bear tort liability. The plaintiff's request for compensation was rejected in accordance with the law.

    In response to many similar cases that have occurred in recent years, the Civil Code has made special provisions on protecting the legitimate rights and interests of those who are brave enough to do justice: if the helper is harmed by voluntary emergency rescue, the rescuer shall not bear civil liability; if he protects the civil rights and interests of others, he shall be allowed to do so. If the damage is caused, the infringer shall bear civil liability and the beneficiary may provide appropriate compensation. This is also called the "hard work" clause in the legal community.

    The Civil Code clearly conveys a signal of protecting good people and making problems such as "whether to support or not" and "whether to save" no longer become a dilemma that plagues society. Supporting the rescue of the weak not only enhances the people's confidence in the rule of law, We also actively promote the new trend of "being honest, living in kind, and helping each other".

    "Civil law is integrated with habits and good customs, including family, marriage, children, inheritance, etc., which are closely related to morality and ethics. Integrating the core socialist values ​​into the Civil Code makes the Civil Code a legal carrier of the core socialist values ​​the legal carrier of the core socialist values. , regulating all aspects of social life, this is a very important consideration. "Liu Hongyu, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and lawyer of Beijing Jincheng Tongda Law Firm, said.

    "Respect the elderly and the elderly of others, and the young of others are young." Since ancient times, traditional Chinese culture has advocated respect for the elderly and love for the young, which is the spiritual code hidden in the lives of Chinese people.

    As a basic law to regulate civil life, the Civil Code made special arrangements for the protection of the rights of the elderly and children during the compilation process. It not only made general provisions on the rights and obligations between parents, children and other relatives, but also passed specific systems Design, refine and implement it, and provide an incentive mechanism for inheriting traditional virtues. The improvement of the guardianship system is very forward-looking.

    A father with a mental illness in Zhejiang force-fed rice paste on his child who had just been born for more than ten days, but the child was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. After investigation, the relevant departments found that the children's parents were both mentally ill and had basically no ability to take care of themselves. They only rely on subsistence allowances to maintain their lives every month, and they had two underage children at home.

    "The guardianship intervention must be carried out immediately to ensure their safety and health." After a comprehensive understanding of the family situation of the two children, the local village committee filed a lawsuit to revoke the guardian qualifications in the court. The court quickly made a ruling that the civil affairs department would serve as the guardian of the two children. The civil affairs department will perform its guardianship duties on the same day and properly place the two children in children's welfare homes.

    "Guardianship of minors is a responsibility that families should bear, and guardianship of minors is a supplement and extension of parental rights. Nowadays, many social problems, such as the infringement of the rights and interests of left-behind children in rural areas, are essentially absent from family guardianship. "Zuo Zhongyi, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said.

    The Civil Code not only improves the system of revoking guardianship, but also expands the scope of the ward, including intellectually disabled, disabled elderly people and other groups in the scope of the ward, giving them stronger and more comprehensive legal protection. When the value pursuit of respecting the elderly and loving the young is integrated into every rule, the unique cultural character inherited by the Chinese has also become an important part of the legal system.

    Law is written morality, and morality is the inner law. Modify the conditions for prohibiting marriage, improve the divorce compensation system, and appropriately expand the scope of bequested dependents... The Civil Code insists on combining rule of law and rule of law, and uses the core socialist values ​​as a clear axis throughout, so as to make social morality and family virtues beyond social morality It is transformed into legal norms and internalized in the hearts of the people, providing basic rules and value guidelines for civil subjects to participate in civil activities, and gathering a strong spiritual motivation to build the Chinese dream together.

    If you establish good laws in the world, the world will be governed.

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, and requires a great code that is compatible with national development and national rejuvenation in the new era. History will surely prove that the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China is in line with China's national conditions, reflects the characteristics of the times, and reflects the will of the people. It will surely correctly adjust civil legal relations, better protect the legitimate rights and interests of civil subjects, maintain social and economic order, and safeguard the people's better life. Provide complete civil legal guarantees for upholding and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in the new era, realizing the "two centenary" goals, and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Reporter Zhang Yi, Liao Wengen, Wang Bixue, Peng Bo, Xu Jun, Zhang Feng, Wei Zhezhe, Ni Yi)


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